About a week after my birthday, I went to Gold's Gym on a Tuesday morning to continue getting ready for the 5k my dad and I were going to run with Mike in May. A 5k doesn't require too much training, but I was also not in any kind of shape and I at least wanted to make a decent time. I didn't have class until 3:30 on Tuesdays so getting to the gym at 10 would give me enough time to run and still accomplish all that I hoped to before leaving for school. Little did I know what would happen next....
My favorite part of Gold's Gym is the cardio cinema room. It is a movie theater, but instead of chairs, there is exercise equipment. As wonderful as the cardio cinema room is, if there is a bad movie playing it is terribly disappointing. When I walked in on this Tuesday morning, the original Karate Kid was on. No offense to anyone who does really like this movie, I'm sure it is great, but I never want to see it as long as I live....
20 minutes into my run my knee gave out and everything went into slow motion. I can remember thinking to myself, "hurry and grab onto the hand rails!" followed shortly by, "nope it's too late for that, I'm going down." I then started to wonder what the outcome of this would be. As I hit the treadmill I thought to myself, "I wonder if the treadmill will start to move me?" and as it did I thought, "I wonder when I'll be thrown off?" All this must have taken place in a few seconds but it felt like minutes to me. As soon as I was off the treadmill and was laying on the ground next to the treadmill behind me, everything returned to normal time. As I lay there trying to catch my breath, several people came running up to me to make sure that I was ok. I had been running pretty fast at the time that this happened so I was trying to catch my breath and couldn't answer anyone at first, and they ran to go get help. Lying there, I straightened out my leg and felt it pop back into place. Phew... At least this way I wouldn't have to be taken to the doctor to have it popped back in like Delaney and Josh did. A trainer walked in and asked if I could walk and when I told him I thought so he helped me up, and miracles of miracles I could! But I also could feel it starting to blow up like a balloon so I had to get home quick. The first trainer was helping me out the cinema room when a second one walked up and made me fill out an incident report. Oh my goodness...it took forever and I just wanted to get home and lay down. I almost shouted at him that I wouldn't sue if he would just let me go! But we finished just before I hit my breaking point and I started to walk out with the trainer helping me. Just as we were about to leave...2 ambulances and a firetruck showed up! I don't know what that was about so I just kept walking. When they walked in and asked for the girl who was injured, the trainer standing next to me told them oh this is her. UGH....There had to be nearly 15 people standing there waiting to take care of me. One of them looks at me and said, "We were told you were unconscious..." Well I sure hated to disappoint the man, but I definitely was not. They kept asking me over and over, did you hit your head? do you want us to take you to the hospital? Can we check your vitals? No, no, no, NO!! I was sorry that so many of them showed up and there was nothing for them to do, but after three dislocated knees in less than a year I knew the financial cost it had been to my dad, and I also knew my knee well enough to know that I would be fine. As I'm arguing with the EMT's and firemen trying to get home, I turned around and everyone and the gym had stopped and were just staring at me....
The most embarrassing moment of my life!!
But they finally let me go home and I laid around the house doing nothing for the next week. The recovery process took awhile but I healed up pretty well until China, but that's for another post. Here is some photo documentation:
I know it looks bad because of the ace bandage but it really didn't make it look much worse than it really was...
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